How To Grow a Persimmon Tree From Cuttings – The Basics

It is important to learn how to grow a persimmon tree from cuttings, as this makes it easier to grow than starting it out from seeds.

The persimmon tree is one of the most popular fruit trees around the world. The tree produces fruits with an edible pulp used in a variety of dishes and desserts. Persimmon trees can be planted either from seeds or from cuttings. The easiest way to plant this tree is to get cuttings from an older tree. However, this process takes time, and there are some limitations to the length of the cuttings.

A persimmon tree grows fast and can produce fruits in just a few years. It is also very hardy, and it can survive under a wide range of conditions. If you have a garden with a lot of space, then you should consider growing persimmon trees from cutting. If you want to learn how to grow a persimmon tree from a cutting, then you need to have an idea of what this tree is all about.

What is a Persimmon Tree?

The persimmon tree is a deciduous fruit tree. Native to China and Japan. It produces large fruits that are used as food or for decoration. The tree can produce fruits from late fall to winter. The fruits are harvested when they are ripe. The tree can be planted either from seeds or from cuttings.

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How To Plant a Persimmon Tree From Seeds?

One way to grow a persimmon tree is to do so from seeds. If you choose this method, then you should know that you need to plant the seeds at the beginning of winter.

This will help the seedlings to survive the cold winter. You need to plant the seeds about 1-2 inches deep and keep them moist until germination. It will take about three months for the seedlings to sprout.

 Can you grow a persimmon tree from a branch

How To Grow a Persimmon Tree From Cuttings?

It is easy to grow persimmons in your garden. Depending on the variety, the tree can be self-pollinated, and it does not require much attention. It grows well in soil with a pH between 5.5 and 6.5. This tree prefers full sun. It is also drought tolerant but will produce better fruit with regular irrigation. It grows fast, and you can harvest fruits in just 3-4 years. The tree is good for attracting wildlife, and it is also good for the environment.

Cuttings are the most efficient method of propagation for persimmon trees. You can plant the cuttings in the spring or early summer. The cuttings should be planted in shallow soil, and they should be watered regularly.


Cuttings can be propagated by removing the leaves and then rooting them.


After obtaining seedlings from the nursery, make sure you take good care of them until they are established. After that, you should transplant the seedling into your garden.


You need to water the cuttings until the roots develop. Once the roots have developed, keep watering until the cuttings get established. It will take at least two years for the tree to produce fruits.


You need to fertilize the tree when it is still in the growing stages. You can use a liquid fertilizer that is recommended for trees and shrubs. Or, you can apply fertilizer as a powder or granular form. Do not fertilize when the tree is old. If you fertilize your tree at the recommended times, you will likely have a healthy tree. If you do not fertilize your tree, you could have a tree with thin, weak branches or no branches at all. To help the tree grow, you must provide it with good nutrition.


When your tree begins to produce fruits, you should prune the tree. It is important to prune your tree after the first two years of growth so that you do not damage the tree. You should prune off the suckers or shoots that appear from the roots.

Prune your tree when the shoots are about 4 inches long. Also do this to any dead branches or branches that are weak, diseased, or insect-infested. You can prune your tree back to about one-third of its height. The main goal of pruning is to help maintain the health of your tree.


When your tree has fruits and they are ready to eat, you can harvest them. To harvest, you may use a ladder to reach the fruit on a higher branch, or you can shake the tree to loosen the fruit. Make sure you place a tray or basket below the tree to catch the falling fruit.

If you want to keep your fruits for longer, you can put them into a refrigerator or freezer and use them later for making jams and/or jellies. You can also eat the fruits right away.

Generally, that is how to grow a persimmon tree from cutting!

Final Thoughts

Growing a persimmon tree from cutting is possible if you give your cutting time to root and plant it in the ideal growing environment. Growing fruit trees is advisable for every gardener because it’s an excellent way to get fruits at home and can be sold at local markets or shared with neighbors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can you grow a persimmon tree from a branch?

Yes. We are able to propagate most of the persimmons this way, but it does take time and effort. A tree that is grown from a branch will thrive the same as from seed. You just need to allow it to root before planting it in your garden.

How long do persimmon cuttings take to root?

We suggest that you give them at least three weeks after you plant them or put them in a rooting area before planting. If they have not rooted by then, then you can try giving them more time.

Can persimmon cuttings take time to root?

Yes, we have many different types of persimmons that can be propagated from a cutting.   You need to give them at least one month to get roots and then you can plant them.

How long does it take to grow a persimmon tree?

It takes 3 years to get a mature fruit from seed. Once the tree is 2 feet tall and has grown at least 4 inches in diameter, you can harvest your fruit.