How To Grow a Bonsai Tree From a Cutting Step By Step!

It is easy for beginners to learn how to grow a bonsai tree from a cutting as it does not take much work. A bonsai is an ornamental plant that has been shaped into a small, often stylized, tree by pruning.  You can start a bonsai by cutting which, in my opinion, is the best way to start growing a bonsai tree. A cutting can be taken from any branch or leaf of a bonsai tree. This article will teach you how to grow a bonsai tree from a cutting.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Grow a Bonsai Tree From a Cutting

Here is a guide to help you learn how to grow a bonsai tree from a cutting and the steps you’ll need to follow. Whether you’re a gardening expert or a beginner, you’ll be growing your bonsai tree in no time at all!

Step 1: Select a healthy cutting

When starting to grow a bonsai from a cutting, it is important to select a healthy cutting. A cutting that is not healthy may die and will not be able to produce roots. To select a healthy cutting, take a look at the leaves of the cutting.

If they are dried out and yellowish, then this means that the cutting is not healthy. You can also check the color of the leaf. If it is green, then it is healthy.

Step 2: Grafting the cutting

When you have selected a healthy cutting, you can now graft the cutting onto a branch. You can use a knife or your fingers to remove the bark of the cutting. Next, you need to cut a small opening in the branch.

After you have done this, you need to insert the cutting into the branch. Be careful not to damage the branch while you are doing this. Once you have inserted the cutting into the branch, you need to hold the cutting in place with one hand.

Now you can use your other hand to apply pressure to the cutting as you tie both together. This will help the cutting stay in place and grow roots. It will then begin to produce new branches.

 how to start a bonsai tree from cutting

Step 3: Watering and fertilizing

Like all plants, bonsai trees require watering. It is best to water your plant around once a week. You’ll know when it needs watering as the topsoil will be bone dry.

You need to immerse the plant in water until air bubbles start to rise. This means that it has absorbed its fill of water. It is also important to fertilize your bonsai tree. You can do this by applying fertilizer to the soil around the tree.

Step 4: Growing a bonsai tree

As you continue to care for your bonsai tree, you will notice that the tree will begin to grow roots and branches. This will happen after you have watered and fertilized your tree. The first branch that you will see sprouts from your tree is known as a leader.

This is the first branch that you should try to grow into a bonsai cutting. It is important to remember to prune your tree so that it does not get too large.

Step 5: Pruning

Pruning is one of the most important steps that you can take when caring for a bonsai tree. Pruning is used to shape your tree and remove dead branches and unwanted growth. When you prune your bonsai tree, you are removing some of its branches.

When you are pruning your tree, make sure to cut back all of the branches, including the leader. Do not cut back your tree until after it has grown roots. After you have trimmed the branches of your tree, you need to spray it with water. You should also use fertilizer to keep your tree healthy.

Step 6: Mulching

Mulch is another important step that you need to take care of your bonsai tree. Mulching helps your tree to retain moisture, which in turn, helps to prevent it from drying out. If your tree is growing in an area that is prone to drought, then you should mulch your bonsai tree.

Mulch is used to cover the soil around your tree. Some people recommend using bark mulch, but you should use mulch that does not contain pesticides.

Step 7: Watering

You should water your bonsai tree every week or so. You should also water your bonsai more often when it is hot or dry in temperature. Watering your bonsai tree at the right time can help you to avoid water stress.

Make sure that you do not overwater your tree. Overwatering can cause your tree to become root-bound. Rootbound trees will not be able to develop their roots. It will be difficult for your tree to grow.

Step 8: Maintaining your bonsai tree

As you continue to care for your bonsai tree, you will notice that the tree will continue to grow and mature, producing new branches. If you notice that your tree is beginning to grow too large, then you should prune a tree. This will help to reduce the size of your tree.


Learning how to grow a bonsai tree from a cutting is as easy as that! It doesn’t take too much effort and the outcome is an aesthetically pleasing plant for your home!

Read more about A Guide On How To Grow A Pine Cone Bonsai 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take to Grow a Bonsai Tree From a Cutting?

You'll notice roots fairly quickly; in around two weeks. However, it can take a few years before your bonsai tree begins to mature and become ready for pruning. It is not unusual for a cutting to take between three and five years to develop into a mature bonsai tree.

How to Start a Bonsai Tree From Cutting?

It is best to start a bonsai tree from a cutting with a strong, healthy root system. This will give you the best chance of success. The cuttings should be planted in a pot with good drainage, filled with a mixture of equal parts soil and sand. It is important that the pot is large enough for the plant to grow into. Bonsai cuttings will need lots of light when they are first planted in order to produce roots. A bright window sill or garden shed is ideal for growing cuttings in, but they can also be grown under artificial lights.

Can You Propagate Bonsai in Water?

Bonsai plants can be propagated in water by taking cuttings from the growing tips of a young tree. Cuttings are taken using a sharp knife and a clean glass, or plastic container. The water used to grow the cutting should be changed every few days, and it is important that the water is clear. Bonsai cuttings need lots of light when they are first planted in order to produce roots. A bright window sill or garden shed is ideal for growing cuttings in, but they can also be grown under artificial lights.

Is it Hard to Grow a Bonsai Tree?

Growing a bonsai tree is easy if you follow the correct procedures and make sure you know what you are doing. If you have a nursery, or can find a good nursery, then this is a good place to start. You will need to provide the right kind of soil for your trees, and you will need to make sure that they are given enough light. It may be necessary to buy special soil and grow lights if you do not have these things already. You will also need to be careful not to overwater the trees, as this could kill them.