How Long Does it Take To Grow Pomegranate From Seed?

Growing pomegranate is beneficial, but you will need to know how long does it take to grow pomegranate from seed before starting.

Pomegranates are delicious fruit that has a wide variety of uses and benefits. The pomegranate tree can grow up to 30 feet tall but usually grows between 10 to 15 feet tall. The branches of the pomegranate tree are thin.

However, they can support their heavy fruit loads. Pomegranate seeds have a pleasant tart flavor and can be used in a variety of recipes.

Pomegranate juice is also very popular in many countries around the world. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins that make it an excellent healthy food.

What You Need to Know About Pomegranate Seeds

The pomegranate seeds grow on a tree, like most other fruits. They grow in clusters on the branches and do not fall off until they ripen. They usually ripen between six and seven months, depending on the temperature of the environment.

However, they continue to ripen even after they are harvested. For the pomegranate seeds to be ready to harvest, they should have turned bright red.

The fruit also contains vitamin C, potassium, folate, magnesium, and fiber. Growing pomegranate from seed is an easy process. In this article, we will show you how to grow pomegranate from seed.

 how to germinate pomegranate seeds

How Long Does it Take to Grow Pomegranate From Seed?

To learn how long it takes to grow  pomegranates from seed, it’s important to understand the growing process too. To help you understand it, we will cover important information on pomegranate growing.

Prepare your soil for planting pomegranates

The first step is to prepare the soil for planting pomegranates. Many different types of soil will work well for growing pomegranate trees. The best soil for growing pomegranates is loam, but generally, pomegranates can tolerate any soil.

Plant pomegranate seeds

Make sure that you use good quality seeds and plant them in a nursery bed. Pomegranate seeds are small and easy to plant. Plant the seeds 2 inches apart in rows about 3 inches apart. This way, they will grow and develop quickly.

Watering your pomegranate plants is important

Water your plants well after planting. Pomegranate seeds need watering well at least once or twice a week. They may need more water in the warmer months.

Fertilize your pomegranate plants

You need to ensure you fertilize your pomegranate tree around twice a year. Ideally in springtime, and then again in late fall.

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In Conclusion – How Long Does it Take To Grow Pomegranate From Seed?

By learning how long it takes to grow pomegranate from seed, you will also learn how to grow this tree.  Once grown, this tree will serve you and your other generations for years, providing you with these delicious fruits. Most of the time, we are tempted to think it takes too long to grow a fruit tree, but it’s definitely worth the wait.

It is beneficial to grow a fruit tree, and it is worth the time it takes to grow it. What are you waiting for? Grow your pomegranate tree today!

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does it Take For Pomegranates to Fruit?

After flowering, you'll have your ripened pomegranates in around six to seven months.

How Do You Make Pomegranates Grow Faster?

You can make your pomegranate tree grow faster by providing it with highly rich soil, and by adding compost manure that provides the tree with all the nutrients it needs.

How to Germinate Pomegranate Seeds?

Pomegranate seeds will germinate at room temperature after around 30-40 days.

What is the Best Fertilizer For Pomegranate Tree?

To grow pomegranate trees, you should use compost and organic fertilizer, such as compost manure and chicken manure.